Benefits from the war between Russia and Ukraine

Benefits from the war between Russia and Ukraine

Mustafa Alsawaf


The war between Russia and Ukraine believed the falsity of the Western world, And America in many things, Which has become crystal clear.


Perhaps this clarity awakens those inattentive minds and deceived consciences, which praise the West, its humanity, values, morals, neutrality and integrity.



This ongoing war has exposed the falsity of all that claim, I confirmed to many people that the West and America, as we said, have no values. And without morals, They are biased, non-neutral and racist.



These people have gone so far as to contradict normal human values, And dealing with humans as species, This is a white European, And that is colorful, And another tan, This has Arabic features, And that of African origin, And this is from the colored ones, This hateful racism has become clear and visible in the eyes in distinguishing between those fleeing the hell of war and how racists deal with them.


This was seen through the videos published of the statements of European officials through the media, It was clear when the soldiers of the West tried to prevent Arabs, people of color and Africans from getting into the train car before Europeans and whites, although they were committed to standing behind each other. When it is their turn in line, they are not allowed to enter the train until the white European has finished boarding.



Follow in the benefits of the war between Russia and Ukraine

This is the Europe that is sung by the elderly who do not know history, civilization and human values.
This is at the level of the hateful racism that they are, But if we refer to the criminality, murder and abuse of the countries of the East in terms of American, Western and Zionist terrorism, whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine or Mali, Africa, It was legitimate in the West, Because the abused are not white Europeans.
Killing them is legitimate, Providing the killer with all forms of support is permitted, Participation with the aggressor in murder and assault is a duty.



This is the West and this is the truth that the heedless who defend the West and its false civilization overlook. They see him as a model to follow.



This is the West that has double standards, It is practiced to differentiate between human beings based on color, sex and religion, And divides people into degrees, It is the abhorrent racism that Europe and the West all are.

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