Balfour is dead… And the ashes of his promise will be blown away by the wind


To write: Emad Afaneh


On this day, 104 years ago, specifically on November 2, 1917, the British government carried out an armed robbery on the jewel in the crown of the nation, Palestine. Through the promise given to the Jews by the thief, Lord Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, By giving them a national home for them on our land, Palestine. Let this ominous promise constitute a springboard for injustice, crime and piracy of rights, as it is the promise of the have-nots to those who do not deserve.



And what is like today to yesterday, Who rules Arab societies and the Palestinian cause today as it was in the time of Balfour, are the interests of the influential in the ruling classes, and their relationship with the United States, which amounted to a denial of Palestinian rights, Recognizing the enemy entity as a state has the right to remain in the region and normalize with it in order to strengthen their presence in power.



Yesterday was the Balfour Declaration, Today, we see the “Abraham Accords”, embodied in the Zionist normalization agreements with a number of Arab countries made by Sykes-Picot. In a different form to implement the so-called deal of the century and its conferences that paved the way for the “Abraham Accords”.


If the Balfour Declaration provided for support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, which had a Jewish minority ranging from 3% to 5% of the total population, The “Abraham Accords”, which established Arab-Zionist normalization, It includes the implicit dismantling of what is known as the “Arab-Israeli conflict” through the establishment of peace and full diplomatic relations between its parties, With “recognition by each party of the sovereignty of the other and its right to live in peace.”

Follow in Balfour he died… And the ashes of his promise will be blown away by the wind

As the Balfour Declaration provided for the right of Jews to establish their “homeland” in Palestine, Arab normalization agreements gave the right to full Israeli sovereignty over this land. It also implicitly acknowledged the most prominent step of the deal of the century, which is the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem as the “unified capital of Israel.” She treated it only as a religious place and described the agreement as an “opportunity” for Muslims from around the world to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque.



104 years after the ill-fated Balfour Declaration, We find ourselves facing agreements worse than the Balfour Declaration itself, As the Oslo Accords, Because Balfour gave the Palestinians 44% of the area of their homeland based on the partition decision (1947), In Oslo, the Palestinian Authority demands less than 22%.



We also find ourselves facing an Arab role that helps strengthen the Balfour Declaration through defeats in the wars of 1948 and 1967. In order to engage in the American deal of the century and rush towards normalization with the enemy entity on the road to liquidating the Palestinian cause permanently and expelling the Palestinian people outside the homeland of their fathers and grandfathers, But hehat.
The success of the enemy in making further breakthroughs to Arab capitals and palaces of government, We must work to expand the circle in terms of making Arab and Islamic alignments, Alliance with Palestinian, Arab and Islamic revolutionary parties and forces, In terms of fortifying the Palestinian cause, Strengthening the capacity of our Palestinian people to unite and resist, To face the dangers that beset us.



That the continuation of the confrontation with the enemy, and fight more battles with him, It is the guarantor of stopping and ending the stage of Arab normalization, which aims to dismantle the theory of conflict with the enemy. And normalize the Arab mind and the younger generations to accept the enemy and integrate it into the fabric of the region.

Follow in Balfour he died… And the ashes of his promise will be blown away by the wind

Because the Balfour Declaration marked the beginning of the tragedy of the Palestinian people when it gave the homeland of a living and known people to another people contrary to all customs and laws since the beginning of creation, We still have the right to try Britain before domestic and international courts. Responsible for the tragedy that befell our Palestinian people, And the resulting displacement and crimes against us.


Neither the Balfour Declaration, Nor the deal of the century, or the Abraham Accords, Nor normalization projects, It can replace the rights of the Palestinian people, especially our right to liberation and the establishment of our state on all our holy soil.


What must strengthen our strength and strengthen our grievances is that these deals are made by individual wills and by the will of the rulers, not by the wills of the people, Besides, it does not represent us who have the cause, It is similar to the Balfour Declaration and the countries involved bear legal and moral responsibility for its consequences for Palestinian rights.


Britain’s historic responsibility for this ominous promise, It requires the movement of the free people of the world and the advocates of truth and fairness, to sue the British government to correct this sin, which deprived an entire people of their resources, land and rights, of his life and dreams.



Our national responsibilities also push us to urge all Palestinian departments and actors to commemorate this anniversary in all aspects of society. In forums, in schools, in universities, in the media, Clarifying its historical merits and details and educating our present and future generations, And enlighten public opinion at all age levels, So that this memory remains alive in the minds and consciences of generations that swore to restore the truth to its owners.
On this occasion, we do not exempt jurists and human rights institutions from filing official lawsuits and complaints before international legal forums to nullify this promise and end its contradictory effects with international laws and the provisions of human rights laws.
Palestine will remain for its people and for the nation behind it, And the land of Israa Miraj will remain the first kiss and the gate of heaven, The aerator of hearts and the compass of the revolutionaries, and shall not take away from their owners any promises or agreements, It is God’s promise to His faithful servants.



The Balfour Declaration has expired since the heroes of the Freedom Tunnel in Gilboa excavated it with their teeth and nails. And since the steadfast heroes of Jabal Sabih killed him, Since he ended his life fixed in Khan al-Ahmar, Since his body was cremated and his ashes have been scattered by the heroes of the return marches, Since the end of its impact by the righteous heroes of the sword of Jerusalem, Return is a right, And victory is a promise.