Advantages of e-books

Advantages of e-books

By Reames Sassoon


Translate: Jannat Adwan


An e-book is a book in electronic format, It is downloaded to computers, Macs, Laptops, tablets, smartphones or any other type of reading device, And it reads on the screen. Can contain numbered pages, index, images, graphics, Just like printed books.



E-books offer many advantages, This article presents some of them.
Buying and downloading e-books is as simple as buying anything else. The only difference is that after payment, You will be directed either to the download page or receive the download link in an email.



After downloading, All you have to do is click on the link and the eBook will be automatically downloaded to your computer, to the folder of your choice.



After downloading, You don’t need an internet connection to read the e-book. You can use it offline. If you want to print it is very easy, Many publishers allow this, Just click on the print button to print the e-book with your home printer.



What are the advantages of e-books?



1. E-books are delivered immediately. You can buy them, download them, and start reading them in a matter of minutes, Without leaving your seat. You don’t have to go to the bookstore to buy them, And don’t wait for days, weeks, and sometimes more to get it by mail.



2. No trees are needed to manufacture paper for e-book pages.



3. When you need certain information, You can get it right away, By downloading an eBook.



4. Many e-books nowadays are sold with rewards that you don’t usually get with printed books which adds an edge to your purchase.



5. E-books take up less space, You practically don’t need any space to store them. You don’t need a library or a room for them, You can store hundreds and thousands of e-books on your computer or reading devices.



6. Portable e-books, You can carry an entire library of hundreds of books with you, on a zip file or on a laptop, smartphone or other e-book reader, Without caring about their weight.



7. Using technology, You can read e-books anywhere, On the bus, train, plane and while standing in line.



8. You can carry a large number of e-books with you wherever you go, Which you can’t do with regular books.



9. E-books may display links to access more relevant information and websites.

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10. E-books are searchable. You can easily search for any information in an eBook, Instead of turning pages.



11. E-books can be interactive and contain audio, video and animation, Which reinforces the message that the author is trying to convey.



12. Since e-books are delivered online, There are no packing and shipping charges.



13. The possibility of printing e-books. If you want to read an e-book the traditional way, You can print it cheaply using your home printer or at any printing shop.



14. Font size can be changed in e-books, making it easy to read on small screens, It is also possible to listen to some e-books just like listening to audiobooks.



15. Very easy to sell and distribute e-books, Because you don’t need a store.


16. It is very easy to buy and download e-books and people living in large cities, or in remote villages, Or on a small island, Accessing and downloading an eBook takes the same time to buy a book from the store, Provided that an internet connection is available.



17. It is possible to purchase an e-book throughout the day, any day of the year, And you are in the comfort of your home or office. You can purchase and download an eBook, Even if you are on vacation. All you need is a laptop, tablet, mobile or reading device and an internet connection.



18. People already spend a lot of time in front of computers, So why not read an e-book, Instead of doing something else?


At present, One can find e-books on any possible topic, Fantasy and non-fiction, Free and non-free.



Looking at non-fiction e-books, These e-books spread knowledge, not pages, Which means that it is not correct to evaluate the price of an e-book according to the number of its pages.



The price must be determined by the information provided, and its usefulness and importance, As well as through the amount of practical knowledge, inspiration, motivation, advice and advice, and distinguish information.
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About the Author:



Reames Sassoon wrote books and articles to help people improve their lives, achieve success, gain inner strength and inner peace, and more efficiently cope with their daily lives. Visit their website here