28 December 2020
#مصر trying to access the Libyan file from the official portal. Is #حكومة_الوفاق offered real
#مصر trying to access the Libyan file from the official portal. Is #حكومة_الوفاق offered real
In memory of #ميلاد_السيد_المسيح, peace be upon him, The Christians of the world should support
Pakistan is a large Islamic and nuclear state and should not be allowed to fall
Syrian_Refugees #اللاجئين_السوريين have the right to return to their home country #سوريا whenever they want.
The energies and capabilities of the Arab nation are wasted and depleted in internal conflicts,
The bull fled from the cowshed, Taurus fled, So the calves revolted in the barn,
Palestine is not an ordinary land like the rest of the world, Rather, it is
Al Sharq Center for Research and Culture, Arab Center, It works to increase high-end digital content, Through the publication of e-books, opinion polls, literature, arts, educational and academic lectures, knowledge articles and digital education, The Center believes that scientific knowledge must transcend boundaries and keep pace with the times.