Crime and punishment novel

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Crime and punishment novel

Author Name / Dostoyevsky

Translated by/ Sami Al-Droubi

International Number/ 9789953684626

Number of pages of the book /456

Page Size / 14*24

On the ninth of February 1981, the whole world celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the death of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. People at the universities of Czechoslovakia, Australia, England, Japan, the United States and Sweden turned to the three-story house in one of Petersburg’s alleys that witnessed the writer’s death in the winter of 1881.
Dostoevsky’s life in Petersburg was all connected to junior staff, student quarters and rented furnished rooms. narrow stone courtyards such as wells, markets, And bars.
The hundred years that have passed since then have changed many things in the mind of humanity. But Dostoevsky’s work went through all these transformations without loss, on the contrary, I came out of it more modern, It has even acquired a strange modern and urgent character at times. Sometimes this may seem more like a prophecy.
Many of the places in the novels of the Abalsa and the Brothers Karamazov are read as prophecies and are so numerous that they cannot be considered coincidence. It was as if Dostoevsky’s genius presented and intuited the course of human development. Same to you Isn’t that the duty of genius? Once Dostoevsky’s grandson Andrei Dostoevsky drove me through the streets of the city showing me the places of the crime and punishment novel.” And it suddenly turned out that everything could be seen. Everything has acquired historical significance. That’s where Dostoevsky lived, And here lived the Marmilla Dove.

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We note the accuracy of the description of places by other writers, Just like Pushkin has in Mikhailovkoye, Dickens has in London, Bunin has in Blana. The landscape and description serve as decorations for current events .
But Dostoevsky is different. He and Raskoltikov prepare the steps from the house of Raskolnikov to the house of the old Arab. He finds the house, the stairs in that house, the apartment overlooking him, and he looks like he is directing a play.
He’s both a playwright and a director. He must see what is happening with his own eyes, And to understand . And understanding is really amazing. For him, Raskolnikov remains a secret, And Dostoevsky tries to understand it, He therefore offers a number of explanations.
He does not pretend not to understand, It doesn’t make sense, Because he knows a lot about Raskolnikov. Know his thoughts, feelings, words and actions, But all this is not enough to explain the impulses and impulses inherent in the unconscious that Brasco happened to Nikov to act against logic.


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