It happened on the twenty-fifth of Dhu al-Qi’dah:

* In 941 AH / December 1541 AD, the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent annexed the city of Baghdad to the Ottoman Empire after it was under the control of the Safavid state.

* Year 1083 AH / September 1672 AD Conclusion of the Bozac Treaty of Peace between the Ottoman Empire and Poland, Under this treaty, the king of Poland agreed to leave some of his state property to the Ottomans and pay a large annual tribute.

* Year 1365 AH / April 1946 AD The name of Jordan was officially given to the Emirate of Transjordan.

* Year 1408 AH / January 1988 AD A 14-point Palestinian memorandum laying down conditions for paving the way for an international peace conference.

* Year 1430 AH / May 2009 AD, despite the objection of the largest Palestinian factions to announce the formation of a new Palestinian government in the West Bank headed by Salam Fayyad.

Prepared by/a. Mohamed Ahmed Maddokh