General definition of the competition:

The Read & Win competition is:

One of the cultural competitions launched by the East Center for Research and Culture as part of the campaign to encourage reading and promote values, which targets boys in the age group of 10-15 years.

The general objective of the competition:

Building the target age group educationally and cognitively in order to achieve optimal self-building, Promoting the right values and principles in them for the benefit of them, their families and their communities.

Specific objectives of the competition:


Competition Details:

This competition comes as a result of the participation of dozens of writers and writers in formulating the best stories that can be submitted to a category for boys to benefit from, as a competition was launched for this purpose entitled “Lack for them”, which resulted in the victory of 20 stories that were approved as a material for the current competition, which is entitled “Read and Win”.

”اقرأ واربح”

Mechanisms and steps for participating in the competition:

تواريخ مهمة
  • The competition will start on 1/6/2023 and will continue until 27/10/2023.

  • As a first step to participate in the competition, the student must receive the story collection.

  • Access is made via the link dedicated to booking and downloading the copy and material of the competition, which is located at the bottom of the page, which is a collection of various stories consisting of 20 colorful and coordinated stories and contains interesting pictures from the store with a symbolic value of $ 2 “two dollars” only paid electronically to ensure the seriousness of the contestant in the reading race and complete the rest of the steps, and whoever gets the paper subscription coupon is not required to pay any other financial value.

  • Once the purchase process is completed and the story collection is downloaded, the contestant must keep it and start reading it well before entering the competition form and solving the questions.

  • Another email is sent containing the link to enter the competition that the contestant can use at any time and through which he solves questions and delivers answers only once and is not allowed to repeat the delivery.

  • The deadline for purchasing the collection of stories is 20/10/2023 and the deadline for solving the question form for the competition is 27/10/2023 at 12:00 pm.

مسابقة اقرأ واربح
  • The winners announcement ceremony will be held after the process of filtering the answers and sorting those who are eligible to enter the draw and who have obtained 100% of the correct answers, no later than October 31. During the ceremony, the winners are voted and announced in front of the media and via live broadcast.

  • Winners are invited to come to Al Sharq Center headquarters to collect their prizes, Participants from Arab countries can receive their prizes via money transfers.

Determinants and controls of participation:

  • The purchaser of the story collection is not eligible to enter the draw, but must answer all the questions contained in the form correctly and ensure that the answers are sent and that he receives an e-mail stating that the answer delivery process has been successful.

  • The user is not allowed to enter answers in the contest form more than once.

  • One user is allowed to purchase the story collection more than once, but on the condition of entering and completing the purchase process from a different email and visa.

  • Any winner of the competition will be required to prove their age with a birth certificate, Must have been born in 2008-2013

  • If you encounter any problem, you can contact the support team on the site on the following e-mail:   info@east-cr.comOr through our Facebook page, Or by communicating via WhatsApp on the following number: 00905345699384 or 0020102884094

Competition Prizes: (Thirty Winners)

First prize $1000

One thousand US dollars for the first place

Second prize $500

Five hundred dollars for second place

Third prize $300

Three hundred dollars for third place

Fourth to tenth $ 100 for each winner

Fourth to tenth $ 100 for each winner

The next twenty prizes are $50 per winner

The next twenty prizes are $50 each winner


How to participate in the competition?

تعليمات الإشتراك بمسابقة اقرأ واربح

Distribution of paper cards for the competition - Gaza Strip/Palestine

To get the collection of stories and participate in the competition